Increasingly efficient and reliable, our industrial, turnkey MPW systems are currently being used by automotive industry leaders for mass production of key components of highly efficient HVAC (Heat Ventilation & Air Conditioning) systems utilized in electric vehicles, like R744 (CO₂) accumulators and R290 (Propane) receiver driers

We enable our customers to save material, resulting in  weight and cost savings, while ensuring high levels of product performance

Welding System

Example Product

Tube to Cap type Pressure Vessels - e.g. R744 (CO2) Accumulators or R290 (Propane) receiver driers 


  • Dimensions: up to φ100mm & 5mm thick – depending on material grade 
  • Material grade: Al 6xxx series as a standard – other material possible on demand


  • Material grade: Al 6xxx series as a standard – other material possible on demand



Security, Health & Safety
  • Embedded with the highest level of machine security in the market 
  • CE-certified with the support of an independent certification body 
  • Fully compliant with applicable regulations, technical standards and directives 
  • EMC and sound proof workstation 
Compact, Semi-automatic Mass Production
  • Optimized footprint
  • Production throughput: 1,000,000 welds/year
  • ≥80% OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency)
    ≤20 sec cycle time per weld, with no cooling downtime – Welding time ≤100µs
High Repeatability, Low Scrap Rate
  • Cpk>2
  • No mechanical contact between tooling and parts to be welded
  • Highly synchronized switches ensuring extremely low variations of electrical signals
  • Scrap rate close to 0%

Process Monitoring
  • Fully integrated Process Monitoring System with real time welding data acquisition & recording
  • Real-time detection of defective weld
Easy to Operate & Maintain
  • Stand-alone, turnkey system, easy to install in any industrial environment 
  • User-friendly HMI
  • Easy access to product positioning cart 
  • Secured access doors to perform maintenance operations 
  • Integrated lifting devices, enabling ergonomic, safe and easy maintenance 
  • ≤15min tool changeover time
  • Remote assistance/maintenance capability 
  • Optional diagnosis function
  • Low electrical power consumption <6kW (production mode)
  • No filler material, no toxic fumes, no dangerous radiation 
  • No need for cleaning the parts, neither before nor after welding

Working together

Co-Engineering & Prototyping
Co-Engineering & Prototyping

Over the past 10 years we have developed the most powerful and accurate 3D computational models that allow us to simulate and predict the welding window of the Magnetic Pulse Welding process, happening in few millionths of a second.

Co-engineering through simulation can be applied for fast prototyping. This phase is also of paramount importance to freeze part geometry as well as the welding tools. 

Process, Performance, Quality
Process, Performance, Quality

Once you have qualified the prototypes, your MPW System is manufactured by our team. Bmax standard procedure involves MPW System buy off or Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) with your teams at the end of the testing period, at Bmax premises. 

Onsite Services
Onsite Services

From installation to commissioning of your equipment and training of your teams, Bmax provides a turnkey solution to start up your system in the best conditions till the final acceptance.

Maintenance Services
Maintenance Services

Our dedicated maintenance team delivers best-in-class Services, as well as Spare Parts & Consumables to our Customers. We adapt our purposes to your specific needs and expectations thanks to flexible, comprehensive and tailor-made Service Level Agreements.

As for Maintenance, we offer a broad range of options, including remote maintenance and assistance, preventive and curative maintenance. 

Continuous improvement
Continuous improvement

Our long-term technology roadmap enables our teams to provide you with systems featuring increased component lifetimes and reliability, optimized production cycle times, reduced maintenance and user-friendly operation.
Easily retrofittable, all improvements can be integrated in already installed systems, enhancing Overall Equipment Efficiency over time. 

Co-Engineering & Prototyping
Co-Engineering & Prototyping

Over the past 10 years we have developed the most powerful and accurate 3D computational models that allow us to simulate and predict the welding window of the Magnetic Pulse Welding process, happening in few millionths of a second.

Co-engineering through simulation can be applied for fast prototyping. This phase is also of paramount importance to freeze part geometry as well as the welding tools. 

Process, Performance, Quality
Process, Performance, Quality

Once you have qualified the prototypes, your MPW System is manufactured by our team. Bmax standard procedure involves MPW System buy off or Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) with your teams at the end of the testing period, at Bmax premises. 

Onsite Services
Onsite Services

From installation to commissioning of your equipment and training of your teams, Bmax provides a turnkey solution to start up your system in the best conditions till the final acceptance.

Maintenance Services
Maintenance Services

Our dedicated maintenance team delivers best-in-class Services, as well as Spare Parts & Consumables to our Customers. We adapt our purposes to your specific needs and expectations thanks to flexible, comprehensive and tailor-made Service Level Agreements.

As for Maintenance, we offer a broad range of options, including remote maintenance and assistance, preventive and curative maintenance. 

Continuous improvement
Continuous improvement

Our long-term technology roadmap enables our teams to provide you with systems featuring increased component lifetimes and reliability, optimized production cycle times, reduced maintenance and user-friendly operation.
Easily retrofittable, all improvements can be integrated in already installed systems, enhancing Overall Equipment Efficiency over time. 

Premium Technology

Magnetic Pulse Welding Conventional Welding
Welding Technology Cold Welding, <br>No Heat-Affected Zone Fusion Welding
Weld Strength No degradation of materials’ properties Heat-Affected Zone inherently makes weak seams
Weight Saving >20% weight reduction Extra material thickness required due to embrittlement of materials
Dissimilar Materials Wide range of material combination: Al/SS, Al/Cu, Al/St, etc. Not possible
Process Cleanliness & Simplicity <center>-</center> Pre/post treatments <br>Use of inert gas <br>Very precise positioning<br>Laser beam safeguarding<br>Special anti-radiation enclosure
Scrap Rate <0.1% 3-5%
Energy Consumption < 6kW >60% more consumption
Consumables <center>-</center> Inert gas and a lot of other consumables are required
Weld Quality & Aspect Excellent quality, very aesthetic with no joint distortion Joint deformation and distortion, due to heat and residual stress